How It Works
You can swap crypto assets either in Standard mode or privately in Private mode to send, swap, or bridge 4000 tokens with 8 millions of combination of crypto pairs.
# Step 1
Select the type of transaction you would like to use: either Standard or Private.
# Step 2
Select the type of token to send ["From"] and the type of receiving token ["To"] for the transaction.
Enter the amount of tokens being sent.
Houdini Swap will compare rates and optimize for the lowest cost route.
Enter the receiving wallet address, ensuring the receiving address is on the same network as the receiving token.
Click "Find the best route".
# Step 3
If you chose to connect your wallet, finalize the transaction in your wallet.
If you chose to send with no-wallet connect, send the entered amount of cryptocurrency to the generated address.
# Step 4
You can track the transaction completion on our progress page.
On average, a standard swap takes less than 5 minutes, while a private swap takes 20-40 minutes to complete, depending on the selected tokens and routes.
Contact Support: Reach out to our Support Team for assistance via the link below.
Order ID: Please provide your Order ID to help us quickly address your issue.
Last updated